Careers Info, Provider Access (Baker Clause) and Post 16

At Cockburn School all students receive a range of careers information through their form time activities, PSHCE / Citizenship lesson and assemblies. This may include online career searches to find out about different career opportunities to employer talks, employees individual accounts on their career journey, information on Apprenticeships and information regarding students’ next phase of their education from Colleges and Universities.

Many specific careers based events or activities are organised either in school or off site. For more information about the careers programme you can visit the PSHE/Citizenship curriculum page or contact the careers lead.

Careers Leader:
Miss T Nelson
Assistant Headteacher
Tel: 01132719962

The Careers Programme is reviewed annually. Next review - Sept 2024.

We measure and assess the impact each term of the careers programme on students by:

  • Destinations of students to further education, apprenticeships and employment
  • Verbal and written feedback from students
  • Questionnaires and evaluations after events and group sessions

We provide reports to the Local Governing Body three times a year.

The Careers team is made up of PSHCE / Citizenship teachers, a Guidance, Aspirations and Wellbeing Coordinator, a member of the CSG team, Careers Adviser, (in school 2 days per week), the careers lead and a Higher Education Progression Officer (HEPO) which is a representative from Uni Connect.

Our SEND students receive careers advice from Year 8/9. The student meets with our Careers Adviser and a careers action plan is made to support their continuing journey on to college employment, education or training.

Students can also access the Careers Library near the Guidance, Aspirations & Wellbeing Coordinators office in the Maths Discovery Centre to research different career opportunities, colleges and universities.

During Year 10 the focus is securing a Work Experience placement within a career area each student is interested in. This is a valuable chance to gain an understanding of the world of work and career opportunities in that sector. The Guidance, Aspirations & Wellbeing Coordinator works with Year 10 students 1-1 during their PSHCE/Citizenship lesson and is available at break, lunchtime and after school for help and support.

During Year 11 each student will receive at least one 30 minute careers meeting with our Careers Adviser where advice and guidance is given to help the student decide on a course and college to continue their journey in education. During Citizenship lessons students work on their college applications. Students are able to request further careers meetings if needed or drop in to see the Careers adviser at break, lunchtime or after school on a Thursday or Friday. The Guidance, Aspirations & Wellbeing Coordination is available Monday to Friday to support students with any issues or concerns.

The Uni Connect representative is available Monday to Friday to support students with any educational concerns, support Summer School applications and give advice on moving on to College or University.

Parents and carers guidance on supporting your child with Post 16 and Careers progression

Parent Engagement Resources

Please have a look at it and find out about ways you can support your child into Post 16 education:

This site has been designed with specific themes and offers tools and guidance on:

  • Understanding qualifications
  • Learning how to identify different skillsets
  • Exploring opportunities in future jobs within Leeds City Region
  • Looking outside the box when considering employment opportunities.

Careers Guide - a starting point for parents:
Click the link below for information on how to support your child in their next steps. The START Profile gives information and advice on qualifications and careers that are available to students.

How do we measure and assess the impact of the careers programme on pupils?

  • Internal destinations measures e.g. ensuring all students apply for at least two post 16 options, have a CV, Record of Achievement and a personal statement.
  • Analyse School Performance published NEET figures.
  • Complete a careers compass which rates the school offer against the Gatsby benchmarks

Cockburn School aims to achieve a high level of careers guidance for all our students.

The Careers programme will be reviewed on an annual basis by the careers leader and adapted where necessary. This will take in to account any feedback from staff, students or external providers linked to the previous year’s activities.

See below for useful websites giving a wealth of information on Careers and students’ next steps in education.

If you would like to support Cockburn School students with their career aspirations through offering a work experience placement, giving a talk on your area of expertise or advertise apprenticeships available to young people then please read our Provider Access Policy which details how to contact us.

Careers grid for website

Provider Access Policy (Baker Clause) 2023-24

A provider wishing to request access should contact Alison Ireland – Guidance, Aspirations and Wellbeing Co-ordinator
Telephone: 0113 2719962

Elliott Hudson College

Cockburn School is a partner school of The Gorse Academies Trust and is proud to recommend Elliott Hudson College to our students wishing to study A-Level and T-Level qualifications in Year 12 and Year 13. CLICK HERE to go to our Elliott Hudson College page.

Web-links to other Post 16 providers can be found below.

General Careers Advice and Information

Job and employment sector informationResearching a career? Want to know the training, qualifications and experience most associated with it?Career zones to find out about different jobsVideo clips giving information on different jobs / careersA tool to compare jobs / salaries

Labour Market Information (LMI) Skillsometer - a quiz that can help you figure out what you want to do in the future.A national careers film library

Careers Advice and Information for Specific Sectors

CLICK THIS LINK FOR: Apprenticeship support and knowledge  - ASK Resources to support apprenticeship information, different levels and access to current vacancies.

Careers Matching Tests

On-line Prospectus

Local Colleges – Check out their website and open events

T-Level Information

T-Levels Fact Sheet

Apprenticeship Information

Football Programmes

Study programmes

Alternatives to Further or Higher Education

Higher Education