Special Educational Needs (SEND)

“The purpose of education for all children is the same; the goals are the same.  But help that individual children need in progressing towards them will be different.  Whereas for some, the road they travel towards the goal is smooth and easy; for others it is fraught with obstacles.” Warnock Report, 1.4

Members of staff responsible for SEND:

Mr J Stevens – Deputy Headteacher
Miss H Devonshire – SENDCO
Miss F Campbell – Assistant SENDCO

These members of staff can be contacted on the following;
0113 271 9962

SEND Documents and Policies

Cockburn SEND Policy 2023-24

SEND Report 2023-24

The Cockburn School Local Offer 2023-24The Leeds Local Offer 2023-24

Accessibility Plan 2023-24

First Aid Policy (Including administrating medicines to children and young people) 2023-24

Intimate Care Policy 2021-24


Definition of Special Educational Needs

‘Special Educational Needs’ refers to additional needs in the following areas;

  • communication and interaction (including speech and language and autism)
  • cognition and learning (including specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia)
  • social, emotional and mental health difficulties
  • sensory and/or physical needs (including medical conditions).

This means some specialist provision or support will need to be in place in order for the young person to reach their full potential. This is provision above and beyond that offered to other students as part of the general offer at Cockburn School.

A student has SEN where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision; this provision is different from or in addition to that normally available to students of the same age. Making higher quality teaching  available to the whole class is likely to mean that fewer students will require such support. SEN Code of practice 2014.

Regular assessments of all students by teachers can identify pupils making less than expected progress in relation to their age and individual circumstances. The code characterises this progress as:

  • significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline
  • failing to match or better the child’s previous rate of progress
  • failing to close the attainment gap between the child and their peers
  • widening the attainment gap.

Progress in areas other than attainment is also emphasised, for example social skills and life skills, to support a successful transition to adult life. (SEN code of practice 2014.)

Mission Statement

At Cockburn School we fully support and value the abilities and potential of all students. It is our duty to provide equal opportunities for every individual in our care and a safe and fully equipped learning environment which caters for the needs of every student. We are committed to inclusion within the school curriculum and participation in all aspects of school life.

Cockburn School adopts a whole school approach to Special Educational Needs and all staff work to ensure the inclusion of all students. The school is committed to ensuring that all students with Special Educational Needs can fulfil their potential and achieve optimal educational outcomes regardless of ability.

Aims and Objectives

Cockburn aims to provide all students with access to a broad and balanced education. This includes the National Curriculum in line with the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice.

Our aims are:

  • to ensure that all students with Special Educational Needs have their needs identified as early as possible in order to support academic progression and continued good physical and mental health and wellbeing
  • to ensure that every student is protected from harm and neglect and that every effort is made to enable them to learn and grow independently and make progress from their starting levels of attainment
  • to ensure all students can access a balanced curriculum differentiated where appropriate to meet individual needs and strengths
  • to ensure that all students with Special Educational Needs are able to fully access the curriculum by providing additional support or additional resources where appropriate and by removing barriers to learning.

Our objectives are to:

  • identify the needs of students with Special Educational Needs as early as possible. This is most effectively done by the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) gathering information from parents/carers, educational professionals, health and care services and primary schools applicable to the student prior to entry into Cockburn
  • monitor the progress of students in order to aid the identification of all with Special Educational Needs and ensure they are able to reach their potential
  • make appropriate provision to overcome all barriers to learning and ensure all students have full access to the National Curriculum. This will be coordinated by the SENCO and Zone Leaders and will be carefully monitored and regularly reviewed in order to ensure that individual targets are being met and all students’ needs are catered for
  • work with parents/carers to gain a better understanding of their child and involve them in all stages of their child’s education. This includes supporting them in terms of understanding Special Educational Needs procedures and practices, providing regular reports on their child’s progress and providing information annually as a minimum on the provision at Cockburn
  • work with and in support of outside agencies when the students’ needs cannot be met by the Cockburn’s resources alone
  • create a school environment where students feel safe to voice their opinions and discuss their own needs. This means organising regular meetings between students, parents/carers Teaching Assistants and the SENCO and will be continued through carefully monitoring the progress of students.

Leeds City Council One Minute Guides 

Click here for One Minute Guide on Education, Health and Care Plans

Click here for One Minute Guide on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice Support Service (SENDIASS)

Click here for One Minute Guide on SENDSAP Team