Proud to be Involved
Cockburn School is proud to be involved with many partnerships with a range of external providers, agencies, organisations and businesses. The focus of these partnerships is ultimately upon having a positive impact on our students and students and staff from other schools. This page shares some brief highlights and summaries of some of our many successful partnerships.
Cockburn School is proud to be a Strategic Partner of Leeds Teaching School Hub. We have benefited greatly from having worked with the hub since its inception in September 2021 on the key ‘golden thread’ of core responsibilities of Initial Teacher Training (ITT), the Early Career Framework (ECF) and the National Professional Qualification suite (NPQs).
It is essential that all teachers from the point at which they enter the profession at the start of their training year right through to teachers with many years of professional experience are given exceptional opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills. Leeds Teaching School Hub is different in its approach to other providers as it offers a highly personalised, face-to-face experience that is woven throughout all aspects of its delivery programme.
The highly experienced and knowledgeable Director of ECF is dedicated to working with schools across the city. As a consequence, those schools benefit from in-person visits that instill confidence in both the Early Career Teacher (ECT) and the mentor, thus empowering them to engage effectively with the ECF and to develop their knowledge and expertise. Expert facilitators also offer a further layer of support for the professional development of both ECTs and mentors.
Leeds Teaching School Hub also delivers the full suite of NPQs and aims to offer the vast majority of its NPQ seminars in a face-to-face setting, providing colleagues from across the city with the opportunity to come together, to network, to reflect on and to refine their practice.
We would highly recommend all aspects of the work of Leeds Teaching Hub and if, having had the opportunity to start to learn about the hub’s work, you wish to find out more, then we would welcome a conversation with you.
To begin the process of registering an interest with Leeds Teaching School Hub in the first instance please contact its Principal, Nicola Cornfoot, at
Further important information is also available on the Leeds Teaching School Hub website at
Leeds Trinity University College
Cockburn is the Leeds Trinity SCITT lead school for Music, Dance and Drama PGCE training and is responsible for leading the in-school provision for a number of trainee Music teachers in 2014. In 2015, this provision will develop to include the PGCE training of Drama/Performing Arts.
School Centred Initial Teacher Training courses are ideal for any graduate who wishes to complete their teacher training within a school environment. As all Trinity SCITT courses are led by local active teaching professionals, trainees can expect to receive a high level of training and support from both inside and outside the classroom. That’s why if trainees are passionate about working within a teaching environment and eager to develop confidence and understanding as a teacher, a School Centred Initial Teacher Training course is a fantastic choice for them.
SCITT courses offer a full Professional-Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and 60 Masters credits.
Click here for more information about the Leeds Trinity SCITT route into teaching.
Pinsent Masons
International law firm Pinsent Masons has been awarded four prestigious Big Tick awards by Business in the Community for the firm’s community investment initiatives. The awards are part of the National Awards for Excellence, the UK’s most influential, independent, peer-assessed corporate responsibility awards. The Awards for Excellence reward businesses which have had a positive impact on society and which demonstrate that being responsible is integral to their business model. Pinsent Masons has won one new Big Tick and two reaccreditations in the Education category which recognises programmes that raise the attainment and aspirations of young people by building sustainable partnerships with schools. The firm has also been recognised for its long standing partnership with Cockburn School.
For more than 15 years, staff from Pinsent Masons staff have mentored KS3 students in Maths and English.
National Theatre Connections
National Theatre Connections (also referred to as New Connections and formerly Shell Connections) is the National Theatre’s annual youth theatre scheme, originally founded in 1995. The National Theatre annually commissions ten plays from established playwrights which are performed by youth theatre groups across the UK. Groups are invited to perform at Connections Festivals held at a professional theatre in their area, and then one selected performance of each play from throughout the country is invited to perform at the National Theatre London. In our first year of entry and after selecting a play called ‘45mins’ by award winning writer Anya Reiss and performing one home performance here at Cockburn and one performance at the West Yorkshire Playhouse, the company were chosen as 1 of only 10 companies (from a total of 220) to be invited to perform at the National Theatre London in 2013.
Leeds33 (formerly known as LeedsCEP) was established in September 2017 in response to Arts Council England’s Cultural Education Challenge and is part of a national network of Local Cultural Education Partnerships (LCEPs).
LCEPs are a partnership of arts and cultural organisations, educational institutions, local authorities and other stakeholders committed to developing cultural learning opportunities for children and young people in their local area. They exist across the country in different local authorities and respond to local needs and contexts.
Leeds33 works strategically to drive a joined-up cultural offer locally, to share resources and to bring about a more coherent, visible, cultural education offer for children and young people in the city. We have a wide and growing membership of organisations through our mailing list, from across the cultural, education, and community sectors which cover all geographical areas of Leeds.
Their Mission: Leeds33 enables the city to harness the power of arts and culture, empowering every child and young person to flourish. Through transformative cultural partnerships and programmes, children and young people will have ownership and agency of their own cultural learning.
Cockburn School is represented at the Executive Group level by Assistant Headteacher, Mr A M Smith
Leeds Music Education Partnership (LMEP) is the music education hub for Leeds. Drawing together schools with partners from many organisations involved with music education, LMEP delivers a coordinated music offer in response to the National Plan for Music Education fulfilling the hub roles and providing subsidies and support. Cockburn School is an LMEP Champion School for music meaning our excellent contribution to music education in Leeds has been recognised and as a result have been award Music Mark Status.